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Dad Talk
Thursday, November 28 2024

Kids spell love T - I – M - E. That is time with you, dad. Our son and daughter-in-law just had their second child, a little girl. I dutifully handed the veteran dad his second jar of 936 marbles when they brought the newborn home. There are 936 weeks from birth to age 18. Taking a marble out of the jar every week is a visible reminder of time passed and time ahead.

Time gets by quickly! Every week on

Posted by: Wertz AT 06:00 am   |  Permalink   |  1 Comment  |  Email
Thursday, November 21 2024

I was blessed to attend the National Coalition of Ministries to Men National Conference this past weekend. Of the ministries represented, I was impressed with the number of organizations focused on pornography – how it is destroying marriages and distorting what healthy relationship looks like for a whole generation of young people.
The statistics are on

Posted by: Wertz AT 06:00 am   |  Permalink   |  1 Comment  |  Email
Thursday, November 14 2024

I am thankful for you and your heart for committing to be the dad you are called to be. Faithful Fathering is working to make a few resources easily accessible for your use during a particular season of the year. Here, I am asking you to check out the link below to access the resources and provide feedback.

The initiative is designed to give you an opportunity to on

Posted by: Wertz AT 06:00 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Thursday, November 07 2024

Dad is a superhero to a child, at least up to a certain age. The expectations are high. Dad is to be big, strong, quick enough to catch a falling kid, simple enough to play games, skilled enough to bandage a wound and soft enough to give a hug. He coaches teams, drives to games, leads the way to church and supports all school and extra-curricular activity.

As kids move into their teen years, a dad may not be on

Posted by: Wertz AT 06:00 am   |  Permalink   |  1 Comment  |  Email
Thursday, October 31 2024

In a small group discussion, five dads were talking about how hard it is to be real and vulnerable as men. One man confided that when he succumbed to temptation, he would retreat to his ‘cave’, isolating himself from others. Another dad confessed he was the same way and asked the group to come drag him out of his cave if he missed a meeting. This is when you know the group is moving in the right direction.

When the devil gets a on

Posted by: Wertz AT 06:00 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Thursday, October 24 2024

One man shared how being with his mother, holding her hand as she passed from this life to the next, turned his heart anew to the Heavenly Father as he grieved his loss. His emotional testimony charged another man in the group to clear his schedule, travel to where his father was under hospice care and spend time with him through his last days.

Grief is arguably the toughest emotion for man to process. Not only does it on

Posted by: Wertz AT 06:00 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Thursday, October 17 2024

In business, every manager or company owner is intimately concerned about the financial margin at the end of the month, quarter and year. Margin is the net income after all expenses that allows for future business development. Without margin, the company may survive for a while but it certainly will not thrive.

In family, on

Posted by: Wertz AT 06:00 am   |  Permalink   |  2 Comments  |  Email
Thursday, October 10 2024

Is it hope you are filled with as we enter the last month of another election cycle? The noise level is high and even the most discerning mind can tire and give way to frustration.

It has been said that there are lies, damn lies, and on

Posted by: Wertz AT 06:00 am   |  Permalink   |  1 Comment  |  Email
Thursday, October 03 2024

For those that cannot remember a time without smart phones and calendar apps, we use to have the ‘My-Time Success Planner’. It was a mini-notebook that provided monthly calendars and pages for planning each day. It was great for managing time, recording meeting notes and logging action to be taken. Of course, you had to remember to take the planner with you wherever you went.

These days I am glad there is a smart watch that reminds me where I left my smart phone that will remind me on

Posted by: Wertz AT 06:00 am   |  Permalink   |  2 Comments  |  Email
Thursday, September 26 2024

In the military, a soldier progresses through the ranks as a function of rigorous training, testing and battlefield experience. An officer of a higher rank commands respect from those of a lower rank and a battalion will follow its leader through harm’s way. Well trained and developed leaders are good examples to follow.

Similarly, kids mature through the ranks of on

Posted by: Wertz AT 06:00 am   |  Permalink   |  2 Comments  |  Email

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Faithful Fathering encourages and equips dads to be faithful fathers.

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