See below for the various retreat formats and summer adventures Faithful Fathering offers.
“Fathers, do not exasperate you children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.” Ephesians 6:4
Being There
A father-young son retreat for dads with sons 8-13. Over a weekend, there will be three short classroom sessions (dads and sons will be separate) and each will be followed by one-on-one time for dads and sons. Activities typically include low ropes, high ropes mountain biking, flat-water kayaking or canoeing and other activities. Dads will have an opportunity to bless their sons. There is not an open retreat scheduled at this time. If you are interested in scheduling a retreat with your church or with a group, please contact us. Watch video below for a glimpse of what this weekend is about.
Click HERE for video testimony
Being There
A father-daughter weekend adventure for dads with daughters 11-18. Over a weekend, there will be three short classroom sessions (dads and daughters will be separate) and each will be followed by one-on-one time for dads and daughters to discuss the prior session. Activities typically include laser tag, high ropes, zipline, high-swing and horseback riding. Dads will have an opportunity to bless their daughters. There is not an open retreat scheduled at this time. If you are interested in scheduling a retreat with your church or with a group, please contact us.
940 Project, Father-Son
A father-son passage experience for dads with sons 14+. Conducted on a deer lease, the passage is built upon the scripturally-based curriculum from Robert Lewis’ book, “Raising a Modern Day Knight”. Each father & son will be stretched physically, mentally and spiritually to the point of enabling a new depth of relationship. Dads will have an opportunity to knight their sons into manhood. This 940 Project weekend is scheduled for January 26-28, 2024. Click HERE for more info and to register.
940 Project, Father-Daughter
A father-daughter weekend experience for dads with daughters 13+. Conducted on a deer lease, the weekend is built upon the scripturally-based “Being There” curriculum from Rick Wertz's years of retreat experience. Each father and daughter will be pushed physically, emotionally and spiritually to the point of enabling a new level of relationship. Dads will have an opportunity to bless their daughters. This 940 Project weekend is scheduled for March 15-17, 2024. Click HERE for more info and to register.
Click HERE for video link
Walking Together
A father-daughter (ages 13+) hiking adventure in SW Colorado. This week-long hiking trip in partnership with Voice of Wilderness is made up primarily of day-hikes, including a hike to Four-Mile Falls (pictured), based out of the beautiful Mountain Light Lodge. There will be one overnight on the trail and one day spent floating down the San Juan River. Each evening there will be topic-specific discussion, dads with dads and daughters with daughters, followed by one-on-one father-daughter discussion time. Life-long memories will be created and new levels of relationship will be realized. Each dad will have an opportunity to bless his daughter the last evening at the Lodge. The next trip is scheduled for June 9-15, 2024. Click HERE for the registration link through our partner in ministry, Voice of Wilderness. Please email admin@faithfulfathering.org if you have any questions.
Click HERE for video link
Man to Man
A father-son (ages 14+) backpacking adventure in SW Colorado. This week-long trip in partnership with Voice of Wilderness has fathers & sons enjoying five days and four nights on the trail. The first and last nights of the trip will be spent at the beautiful Mountain Light Lodge. Each evening there will be topic-specific discussion around the campfire, dads with dads and sons with sons, followed by one-on-one father-son "tent talk" time. Life-long memories will be created and new levels of relationship will be realized. Each dad will have an opportunity to bless his son the final evening of the trip. The next trip is scheduled for June 16-22, 2024. Click HERE for the registration link through our partner in ministry, Voice of Wilderness. Please email admin@faithfulfathering.org if you have any questions.
Click HERE for video link
High Country - Men Investing in Men
A man-sized experience in central Colorado. Enjoy six days / five nights at Camp Como's campground with other men, father & sons as well as spiritual fathers & young men(14+) without dads connecting through hikes on a number of great trails, a day trip for local sight-seeing, morning devotions and group discussion time each evening. The focus is on men having fun, enjoying fellowship and enabling a new level of relationship with the Heavenly Father and with other men of God. HCA 2024 is scheduled for July 27 - August 1. Click HERE for more info and to register.