Engaging Dads to Raise a Godly Generation
Start a fathering movement in your church and community. Initiate a lay-leadership team, a core group of men with a variety of interests and gifts that have a passion to encourage and equip dads to be faithful fathers – dads that prioritize physical presence, are engaged emotionally and lead spiritually by example.
Faithful Fathering works with churches across all denominational lines to establish a core group of dads/lay leaders committed to raise the bar for fathering individually and corporately in the church. The vision is to energize dads to engage in raising a godly generation. This is realized through a one-page strategy - P A S S the B A T O N implemented by core groups of dads to reinvigorate churches on the fathering front.
St. Anthony's Core Group of Dads
This core group at St Anthony's is an example of Dads committed to raising the bar for fathering, individually and corporately in the church. Request more info to learn more about starting a core group of Dads at your church.