Are you ready for some football? It doesn’t appear that the NFL was ready for what it got the first couple of weeks of the season. I confess, I am old school and still embrace the rule of law that guarantees us due process when charged with a crime. The way the media and society obsess over YouTube videos and other picture postings, innocence until proven guilty is being turned on its head! We as consumers should not tolerate this, but I digress.
What I find fascinating is the level of physical discipline that professional athletes must practice in order to compete at the level they do. Many of them are able to apply similar levels of discipline to the emotional and spiritual aspects of their lives as well but those athletes do not typically make the paper.
You do not have to be a professional athlete to struggle with inconsistent physical, emotional or spiritual disciplines in life. We see pastors fall from grace and CEOs mismanage the company’s pension funds. We see men struggling with alcohol and dads losing their temper.
Paul provides an example for us in 2 Corinthians, ...read on