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Dad Talk
Thursday, July 11 2024

As is often the case when an area is struck by a bad storm, whole neighborhoods may be out of power. When the lights go out, one realizes how much ready access to electricity can be taken for granted. Air-conditioning and refrigeration are a couple of niceties that can fall victim to a power outage. Those prepared may have full generator back-up or at least some generator capacity to keep the refrigerator going.

Of course we are never completely out of power. As is also often the case when an area is struck by a bad storm, neighbors come together to help each other. Some bring generators, chainsaws and rakes. Others start a grill up to cook what would otherwise go bad in the refrigerator. It can be a wonderful opportunity for families to work together and reflect the love of Jesus the Christ in the midst of a tough situation. We always have power to do what we can do, by His grace and for His glory.

We rejoice in our sufferings, because suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope never disappoints, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, Who has been given to us. – Romans 5:3-5. Suffering can show up in many different forms. The challenge is to see each circumstance as a small glimpse into the suffering Jesus went through for us. As one perseveres, Christ-like character is nurtured. Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in Me. – John 15:4. The key for persevering is to tune-in to Christ for a perspective that allows you to see beyond the present, a perspective that empowers you to help others, and humbles you to accept help from others. That is the character our Lord is always nurturing, one that lives into the hope poured into us through the Holy Spirit. Spiritual power provides the peace, perspective and rational response needed in the valleys of life. As valleys go, an electrical power outage is a pretty shallow valley. Yet, without the Holy Spirit, even shallow valleys can drop off into the abyss.

When the storm has passed and the service companies have had ample time to initiate repairs, electrical power will be restored. The lights will come back on. As Christians, the Light of our Lord is not to be taken for granted. The Light is to be on full illumine at all times. That is easy to say but not easy to be. To be in relationship with Christ is to be His Light where He has you. Valleys in life can be valuable reminders of all we have taken for granted. As Oswald Chambers has said, “Man cannot do what God does and He will not do what man can do.” Man can choose to be His Light where He has us.

Prayer guide: Lord, thank You for Your word and for Your Light in my life. I confess I have allowed valleys in life to impede Your Light in too many situations. Worse yet, I have failed to reflect Your Light where You had me. The power outage was by my choice. Forgive me. Thank You for the valleys of life that have battered and formed me to date. I know I am nowhere near where I need to be but I do know You are not done with me yet. Grant me strength to persevere through the valleys of life recognizing every situation as an opportunity to be Your Light in others’ lives, to be the character that conveys hope that is the love You have poured into me through the Holy Spirit. That is the dad You call me to be and that is the dad my kids need to see. Amen.

A faithful father chooses to be the Light of the Lord in the valleys of life.

Posted by: Wertz AT 06:00 am   |  Permalink   |  3 Comments  |  Email
Great message!
Posted by Herb on 07/11/2024 - 08:57 AM
Great message Rick!
Posted by Ken on 07/11/2024 - 09:02 AM
Great words of encouragement. Choosing to be His light each day. Thanks Rick.
Posted by Jack on 07/11/2024 - 05:03 PM

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