My daughter and I were backpacking with other dads and daughters in the Weminuche Valley of the San Juan Mountains back in June. It was our overnight on the trail so after a great day, we enjoyed dinner and good discussion around the campfire. Then the moon rose over the ridge. It was a full moon in full glory illuminating the whole valley in grand fashion. It was so bright that we cast giant shadows as we walked in its light! It provided a brilliant reflection of the sun that night and was certainly the brightest moon we had ever experienced.
I was struck by the analogy of that experience to my walk as a Christian. I am to be a reflection of the Son in order to illumine the valleys of life that family or friends may be walking through. While the moon waxes and wanes through its phases, I as a Christian am waxed to the full by the Holy Spirit. The only waning that goes on is by choice. By choice I can believe a lie or give in to a temptation and step into the darkness. As a result, an opportunity to reflect the Son in a given situation is missed. By choice I can turn to Truth or turn from temptation and reflect the Light. That is how I am to glorify the Lord where He has me, in every situation, discussion, decision and relationship.
He himself was not the Light; He came only as a witness to the Light. – John 1:8. The word “witness” is a simple word that reminds me that I am endorsing or taking a stand for Light or darkness through my actions all the time. Just as the moon reflects the sun, a Christian is to be a reflection of the Son all the time. Waning should not be tolerated. I choose this day to be waxed to the full in the Holy Spirit, to walk closer to Christ today than yesterday and be the reflection the Son expects me to be.
Tips to Be a Reflection:
- Walk in Truth, lead by example at home, church and the workplace;
- Live as Jesus lived, with a focus on the eternal;
- Love as Jesus loved, unconditionally.
Prayer guide: Lord, I confess that too often I have waned into darkness with a focus on me. Forgive me for squandering opportunities You have granted me to be a reflection of You in my life. I pray for discernment in choices I face, that I will be waxed to the full in the Holy Spirit and be a reflection of the Son in every situation, discussion, decision and relationship I face. Amen.
A faithful father is a reflection of the Son in marriage and family, and beyond.