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Dad Talk
Thursday, September 26 2024

In the military, a soldier progresses through the ranks as a function of rigorous training, testing and battlefield experience. An officer of a higher rank commands respect from those of a lower rank and a battalion will follow its leader through harm’s way. Well trained and developed leaders are good examples to follow.

Similarly, kids mature through the ranks of infancy, elementary school, the teen years and into adulthood as a function of rigorous training and the associated successes and failures that make up life’s experiences. Dad and mom command respect throughout the journey by leading spiritually by example under a Biblical worldview, and the kids follow.

And He said to them, “Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men.” – Matthew 4:19. From this point, the 3-year bootcamp training program began. Actually, the training began much earlier with Simon, Andrew, James and John. Their life experiences growing up as young Jewish boys and later as fishermen prepared them for this new chapter of their lives. Learning the ancient scrolls with their dad from a young age opened their hearts to the Messiah. And following their father’s leadership on the boat, they developed the work-ethic, diligence and tenacity needed for their profession. Their life experiences prepared them well to step into a new training program that called for following the Leader of the universe. Zebedee had done his job as James’ and John’s earthly father by always pointing to God, their Heavenly Father. As dads, there are no guarantees of success in the raising of children. The charge is to be faithful and lead spiritually by example under the authority of the word of God. When dads lead the way spiritually by example, kids follow in the faith as adults over 90% of the time. That is the leadership the next generation will follow.

Unfortunately, it is the exception, not the rule, that dads lead under a Biblical worldview. Due to life’s experiences and/or cultural pressure, most dads live with a secular worldview. Long hours at work, travel, a packed calendar and not eating dinner together as a family are tips that BUSYness has crept in. It is time to evaluate your leadership.

Tips to be the Leader the kids will Follow:

  • Read the Bible daily: find a reading plan and work the plan;
  • Pray for the kids and your bride by name every day;
  • Eat dinner together as a family 5X-per week;
  • Have a weekly family Bible study together;
  • Engage battle buddies / men in your circles that will challenge you spiritually.

Prayer guide: Thank You Lord for Your word and the structure it provides for family. I confess I did not see Scripture as relevant in today’s world. I failed to comprehend Your word as my leadership training for marriage and family. Forgive me. I want to follow You and become the leader my kids will want to follow. Grant me discipline to be in Scripture and prayer daily. Embolden me to walk under Your word and lead spiritually by example. That is the dad You call me to be, and that’s the dad my kids need to see. Amen.

A faithful father follows Jesus the Christ and leads spiritually by example.

Posted by: Wertz AT 06:00 am   |  Permalink   |  2 Comments  |  Email
You know, it’s a simple idea.. and it makes complete sense that Christ is our example to follow.
Posted by Sean on 09/27/2024 - 08:40 AM
Your prayer of confession concerning failure to recognize the relevancy of Scripture and applying it is right on.
Posted by Ken on 10/02/2024 - 07:44 AM

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