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Dad Talk
Thursday, October 01 2020

I had a car in high school that was a battle buddy car. I bought the car for a grand total of $100 in 1973 and quickly learned how to install brake pads, rebuild the carburetor, replace plugs, points and the condenser, tune the engine and trouble shoot the trifecta of the starter, battery and alternator. It was one of those three, the starter, battery or alternator that would inevitably fail on on

Posted by: Wertz AT 06:00 am   |  Permalink   |  3 Comments  |  Email
Thursday, September 24 2020

What is spiritual warfare? For the prophet Elisha it looked like this – “Now the king of Aram … sent horses and chariots and a strong force to capture Elisha in Dothan. And Elisha’s servant said to him, ‘Alas, my master! What shall we do?’ Elisha answered, ‘Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.’ Then Elisha prayed and said, ‘O Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.’ And the Lord opened the servant’s eyes and he saw; and behold, the on

Posted by: Wertz AT 06:30 am   |  Permalink   |  1 Comment  |  Email
Thursday, September 17 2020

In Acts 9, Saul is on his way to Damascus to capture those that follow the Way and bring them back to Jerusalem for punishment when he gets knocked down. Scripture documents the event like this – “…suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him; and he fell to the ground and heard a voice on

Posted by: Wertz AT 06:00 am   |  Permalink   |  1 Comment  |  Email
Thursday, September 10 2020

The consistent encouragement to pray for our kids has resulted in some of the most powerful feedback received from dads over our 20 years of ministry. Stories of relationships restored, wayward children returning, comfort in times of trial and safety in the face of danger have affirmed how important it is to pray always.

One great church that Faithful Fathering has been blessed to work with the past number of years, Memorial Church of Christ in Houston has taken their prayer initiative to a new level as dads and families prepare for returning to school in strange times on

Posted by: Wertz AT 06:00 am   |  Permalink   |  3 Comments  |  Email
Thursday, September 03 2020

Commitment is the topic for this final week of the DadsHeroChallenge. Commitment is the single biggest determinant of a dad’s effectiveness as a father. We have covered the significance of being nurturing, consistent, involved and aware. Now the rubber meets the road with your willingness to commit to taking a step forward in your walk as a father.

One dad asked if he needed to commit to more quality time or quantity time on

Posted by: Wertz AT 06:00 am   |  Permalink   |  2 Comments  |  Email
Thursday, August 27 2020

Awareness is the topic for this fourth week of the DadsHeroChallenge. What are dads to be aware of? One important point of realization is that first time exposure to pornography is now happening at an average age of 9-yrs old. Where you aware of that?

One dad "retired" from some of his hobbies and other outside activities, including golf, to get on

Posted by: Wertz AT 06:00 am   |  Permalink   |  2 Comments  |  Email
Thursday, August 20 2020

Involvement is the topic for this third week of the DadsHeroChallenge. Being there, being present and accounted for, is the key for this dimension of the fathering role. Being present physically is at an all-time high for many as travel schedules have been scaled back and employers encourage working from home. But what is there to be involved with when the kids’ activities have been cancelled as well?

The challenge is to on

Posted by: Wertz AT 06:00 am   |  Permalink   |  1 Comment  |  Email
Thursday, August 13 2020

Consistency is the topic for this second week of the DadsHeroChallenge. One of the wake-up calls over the past number of months has been my consistency in certain areas of life and the lack thereof in other areas. I was consistent with going to work and navigating through the busy-ness of the day but inconsistent with investing time well in family. This time has opened my eyes to right priorities, to be more consistent in the right stuff.

The wife of Rick Husband, commander of the Columbia Space Shuttle, had this to say about her husband on

Posted by: Wertz AT 06:00 am   |  Permalink   |  2 Comments  |  Email
Thursday, August 06 2020

If you enjoy giving and getting hugs, the last several months have been pretty tough on you. If you are not a touchy-feely guy, you may see this as a time of reckoning for all those huggers out there. But do not discount the power of touch. A UCLA study years ago showed that kids and adults need eight to ten touches a day for good emotional health. As dads, we need to hug our daughters and sons early and often each day.

Nurturance is the topic for this first week of the on

Posted by: Wertz AT 06:00 am   |  Permalink   |  2 Comments  |  Email
Thursday, July 30 2020

What is ‘Dad Enough’? Is being a faithful father – a dad that prioritizes his physical presence, is engaged emotionally and leads spiritually by example, ‘Dad Enough’? Is it about making all the kids’ events you can, dating your daughter and loving their mother? If you have a great relationship with your grown children, have you been ‘Dad Enough’?

Fathering is a journey. The end result is unknown but the markers along the way are impactful in the shaping of a young man or young woman. Faithful Fathering is issuing a challenge for the journey, the on

Posted by: Wertz AT 06:00 am   |  Permalink   |  3 Comments  |  Email

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Faithful Fathering encourages and equips dads to be faithful fathers.

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