Commitment is the topic for this final week of the DadsHeroChallenge. Commitment is the single biggest determinant of a dad’s effectiveness as a father. We have covered the significance of being nurturing, consistent, involved and aware. Now the rubber meets the road with your willingness to commit to taking a step forward in your walk as a father.
One dad asked if he needed to commit to more quality time or quantity time with his kids. The answer was, “Yes!” The instructor went on to remind the dad of who determines whether the time is indeed quality time or not – the kids do. Thus, dads are to commit to providing as much quantity time as possible with the hope that some quality time results.
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself up for her. – Ephesians 5:25. Once you commit to loving your wife as Christ loved the Church and are willing to die for her, everything else pretty well falls in line. And what does the one God seek? Godly offspring. – Malachi 2:15. Similarly, once you commit to raising a godly generation, all the other stuff will take on the proper perspective. One blessing for many over the past number of months is that all the ‘other stuff’ has been scaled back significantly. The opportunity is to recalibrate life and commit to the right priorities that enable you to pass the baton of faith well to the next generation.
Tips for Commitment:
Accept the DadsHeroChallenge - Click HERE to download the study booklet and gain access to the video teaching;
Complete the “Commitment Check-up” on page 49 of the study booklet;
Discuss the results of the “Commitment Check-up” as a family;
Schedule regular one-on-one time with your bride and with each child. Include weekend or extended getaways annually, or at least at key junctures of life.
Prayer guide: Thank You Lord for Your word and Your commitment to restore relationship with me through Your Son. I confess that my commitment has been more focused on relationships in this world, to be successful in my work often at the expense of time with family. Forgive me. Thank You for this “time out” that has reminded me what the right priorities are – loving relationships grounded in You, especially in marriage and family. Help me continue to be committed to right priorities, to rebuke worldly influence as we move into a post-Covid time. It is with this hope that I accept the DadsHeroChallenge to become a hero in my children’s eyes. That is the dad You call me to be, and that is the dad my kids need to see. Amen.
A faithful father commits to becoming the Father’s representative in his home.