It was forty-nine years ago that we heard those infamous words, “Houston, we have a problem.” Two days into their mission, the crew of Apollo 13 had an oxygen tank explode some 200,000 miles from earth. The lunar landing was aborted and the mission became one of survival. It was all-hands-on-deck at Mission Control to provide whatever was needed to get the crew back home safely.
Life can be like that. I know one dad who keeps a room available in his house known as the ‘recovery room’. If an adult child hits a valley in life be it a job loss, addiction or other issue, the room is available. In the home, it is all hands-on-deck with unconditional love that will provide support needed to get the adult child back on track with life.
If you love Me, keep My commands. And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Advocate to help you and be with you forever – the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept Him, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. But you know Him, for He lives with you and will be in you. I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. – John 14:15-18. The triune nature of God - the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are always available on the peaks and in the valleys of life. How comforting is that? The trouble is that men often allow the darkness in the world to distract them from this wonderful truth. The Lord is always welcoming, provides unwavering support and already did all that it takes to set men free. The call is to embrace His love, learn to love and go love others.
The Apollo 13 Command Module splashed down in the South Pacific on April 17, 1970, four days after the onboard explosion. Through unwavering support from Mission Control and the determination of the crew, the new mission to get the astronauts home safely was a success. Parents serve in a ‘Mission Control’ capacity of sorts for kids, providing unwavering support and willing to do what it takes to complete the mission successfully, even if it is not the mission as originally designed. We know “that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him” (Romans 8:28). As we embrace His love, learn to love and go love others, God-things happen.
Prayer guide: Father, thank You for Your word and Your love shown through Your Son’s walk on this earth, His death on a cross, His resurrection from the dead and His ascension to You. I have allowed distractions in the world to impede my understanding of Your love. Forgive me. By Your grace, the head knowledge I had about You, Jesus and the Holy Spirit has moved to a heart-level transformation that is the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Help me embrace Your love to the full, learn to love and go love as the man, husband and father You expect me to be. Equip me to step up as a faithful father and PASS the BATON of love in family to the next generation. Amen.
A faithful father embraces the Father’s love, learns to love and goes in love for others.