Some men have been blessed to have great dads and others have had to rely on father-figures to step into their lives. For me, I had a brother-in-law and an uncle that stepped in during the critical teen years. Later in life, my father-in-law provided valuable guidance and Dr. Ken Canfield, a pioneer of the fathering movement in the early 1990’s continues to be a spiritual father for me today.
Spiritual fathers help dads navigate through the seasons of fathering and the day to day noise that distracts. On Saturday evening, 7:00p.m., February 10, 2018, in Houston you have an opportunity to hear from a number of spiritual fathers. Godly wisdom from across the spectra of the fathering journey will be shared to meet and encourage you where you are. We are calling it the Super Father Bowl. There is no charge for the event - Click on for more info and to register. Click HERE to view the promo video.
To Timothy, my true child in the faith: … This command I entrust to you, Timothy, my son, in accordance with the prophecies previously made concerning you, that by them you fight the good fight, – 1Timothy 1:2&18. Paul was a spiritual father to Timothy. He prepared Timothy for distractions he would face in his youth and inexperience. He spelled out what deacons should look like. He warned of false teachings. He charged Timothy to be constantly nourished on the words of the faith and of the sound doctrine under which he was raised. There was a relationship between Paul and Timothy that was not about to let evil get a foothold in their walk with Christ. That relationship encouraged Timothy to fight the good fight. And that is the relationship every father and spiritual father should commit to nurturing with sons and daughters today.
Super Father Bowl – Be there and be encouraged on your journey as a father by Tyrone Smith – author / NFL player, Doug Stringer – author / Somebody Cares Inc., Mike Rosas – author / Houston Rockets Chaplain and myself. Worship will be led by Jared Miller and there will be a special performance by Tre9.
Prayer guide: Lord, thank You for being our Father and for sharing the moniker father with us. Thank You for the spiritual fathers You have brought into my life to help me understand and step up to the responsibilities of fatherhood. Begin right now to soften hearts and prioritize schedules of the men You want to attend this special evening. Be with the respective speakers in their preparation and deliverance, that Your word is spoken and Your word is heard to meet men where they are on the fathering journey. Help all of us take a step forward as faithful fathers, the dads You call us to be and the dads the next generation needs. Amen.
A faithful father nurtures Rock solid relationships that glorify the Father.