The decision was to not even give his son a smart phone. The respected sources in his circles suggested putting off the purchase of the pocket computer for his kids until age 15 or 16. Then his ten-year-old son came home from school asking questions about female body parts. A boy on the bus had been showing pornography to other boys by way of his smart phone.
What is a dad to do? The option is not to isolate our kids from the world. Controls are critical – delaying the purchase of a phone until the appropriate age along with monitoring & blocking access to certain sites on the Internet are important steps. Below are some great resources to reference. The best tool to help kids navigate through the challenges posed by access to such a broad range of worldly noise is a healthy relationship with dad and mom in the home.
I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. If you really knew me, you would know My Father as well. – John 14:6-7. In talking with the disciples, Jesus conveyed the depth of His relationship with the Father and how it would be through Him that they in turn would be connected with the Father. The relationship that suffered disconnect in the Garden of Eden would be reconnected through Jesus! The world is still very much in the disconnect business. It is up to dads and moms to exemplify a healthy relationship with Christ in the home and keep the kids connected through their faith. Technology’s claim is that it keeps us connected. Not a bad idea and it certainly has its value. But know that the pornographic industry is very professional and sophisticated in their efforts to connect inappropriately. Parents must not abdicate responsibility for what phones, tablets or computers are connected to.
Here is a four-point challenge for you individually and in the home:
- Take RESPONSIBILITY at the personal level. Wherever you are, raise the bar for keeping “eyes focused on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith” (Heb.12:2) and “take every thought captive in obedience to Christ” (2Cor.10:5).
- Establish ACCOUNTABILITY in a small group or with at least one ‘battle buddy’ whom you trust. Again, wherever you are, raise the bar to the standard that there “not be even a hint of sexual immorality” (Eph. 5:3-6) in you.
- Encourage VULNERABILITY in family. Face the fact that no dads and no families are perfect. Have discussions as a couple around this topic and age appropriate discussions with the kids. Be real, be open and be sensitive. And check out resources such as: Full Armor Systems; Covenant Eyes; Protect Young Minds.
- Initiate IGNITABILITY with your passion and commitment to rebuke this scheme of pornography and to strengthen relationships in marriage & family. Start a backfire to shut down the blaze that has been sweeping through society effectively uninhibited. Get other dads & moms fired up about attending the February 26th event in The Woodlands and ask Youth & Parent ministers how you can help them on this front.
Prayer guide: My Father, thank You for reconnecting what suffered disconnect in the Garden, relationship with You. Forgive me for failing to protect that level of connection personally and in my home. Equip me to identify and rebuke schemes that cause disconnect in relationships You have blessed me with. Be glorified as my kids get to know You because I know You and they know me. Amen.
A faithful father is a protector of family through a healthy relationship with the Father.