Eating meals on the run is the rule as a dad shuttles his sons between baseball and soccer practices. Mom picks their daughter up immediately after marching band practice to get her to play rehearsal at a community theatre. Then there are the piano and voice lessons, swimming and volley ball. Is it any wonder that couples often have to re-introduce themselves after kids leave the home?
The priority in family is the marriage relationship. Yes, it is important for kids to be engaged in extracurricular activities to develop physically, emotionally and spiritually. And yes, it is important for kids to be exposed to a broad array of activities in order to understand their unique giftedness. But these are secondary to the importance of the marriage relationship and its impact on generations to come.
For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh. – Genesis 2:24. By design a man is to leave, be united with his wife and become one with her – There is no dependence physically, emotionally, financially or even spiritually on his father and mother. And why one? Because He was seeking godly offspring. – Malachi 2:15. Marriage is the standard, the foundation for raising the next generation. Honor your father and mother – which is the first commandment with a promise – that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth. – Ephesians 6:2-3. This commandment with a promise is placed in the middle of the ten – Before it, are the commands in relationship with God in the spiritual realm; and, after it are the commands in relationship with people in the physical realm. The connection between God and His people, between the spiritual and the physical is realized through the father and mother in marriage.
Busy-ness with children’s activities can put stress on a marriage. This is not by God’s design. Know that BUSY stands for Being Under Satan’s Yoke. Be in prayer about the level of busy-ness being tolerated in family. Be sure to pray together daily, schedule time to date as husband & wife at least monthly, and go on a Marriage Encounter or other retreat weekend annually. Marriage is the priority in family, foundational as the example of healthy relationship and instrumental in raising the next generation well.
Prayer guide: My Father, thank You for marriage. What a beautiful design you have given us to understand relationship as You intend it to be lived. Forgive me for taking my marriage for granted while I focused on success in work and even through the kids. You have blessed me with a beautiful bride and a healthy family. Help me prioritize the right things – living my relationship with You in marriage, raising a godly generation, honoring my father and mother and glorifying You on the journey. Amen.
A faithful father prioritizes the marriage relationship in family by God’s design.