After three weeks in the San Juan Mountains of Southern Colorado, away from newspapers, the Internet and only intermittent phone service it has been tough returning to the noise level of the real world. The focus the last several weeks has been on tuning in to Christ to a new level in His creation with fathers & daughters and fathers & sons while hiking through some of His most beautiful country.
As I work to navigate through the election-year noise this week I am reminded of how my son and I helped several young men that had never backpacked in the mountains ascend 2500 feet in elevation on the second day of a weeklong journey. We encouraged them to not look too far ahead because it appears to be all up hill and can be overwhelming; secondly we simply said, “Keep walkin’, put one foot in front of the other and we will get there.” “There” was the Continental Divide and each of the young men met their goal.
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, – Hebrews 12:1-2. The “witnesses” were the brothers on the trail. “Everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles” included the unknown facets of the mountain wilderness trail, physical fitness, mental toughness and self-doubt. Walking “with perseverance” was the call for the journey. The “race marked out for us” was a hike to the Continental Divide and back. Across the week, evening study time “let us fix our eyes on Jesus” as He pushed each of us physically, emotionally and spiritually drawing us closer to Him. Jesus “endured the cross” so that we could navigate through the noise that distracts and discourages on this journey called life with confidence that is our personal, passionate and growing relationship with Him.
To follow my own advice in the weeks ahead, I need to stay tuned in to Christ through time in scripture and prayer, to keep walkin’ closer to Him every day. That does not mean to be oblivious to world news but I certainly will keep the 24/7 news cycle in perspective. The world will always be the world. As Christian men we are to keep walkin’, to tune in to Christ and be the influence He calls us to be where He has us.
Prayer guide: Lord, I confess that I have allowed the world to influence me more than I have been an influence for You in this world. I have been passive to hindrances and sin that have entered my home via various media. The associated influence has outweighed any spiritual initiatives I have taken with my family. Forgive me. The race You have marked out for me is to be the man, husband and father You call me to be, that my family needs. Equip me to keep walkin’ with You, to tune in to a new level and be the influence You call me to be in family and beyond. Amen.
A faithful father keeps walkin’ to have Kingdom influence in this world.