My bride and I laughed out loud! The Doritos spot won the Super Bowl commercial war hands down from our perspective. We found it hilarious. I remember when our first child started kicking in the womb, I was amazed at how she would respond each time I touched Mom’s tummy in a different spot by kicking or pushing in that area. My bride had that “Mom’s glow” throughout her pregnancy and from the first sonogram to the kicks to the birth of our daughter, my love for life took on a whole new dimension.
All were not impressed as we were with the Doritos commercial. Some pro-choice advocates accused Doritos of using “anti-choice tactics of humanizing fetuses.” They claimed the baby in the womb looked too real. Ashley McGuire, a Senior Fellow with the Catholic Association, responded in a statement to Foxnews.com saying, “If NARAL is scandalized by the notion that a human fetus is human then they are scandalized by science. We know children in the womb have distinct and human DNA. We also know they exhibit all sorts of human behaviors in the womb such as yawning, thumb-sucking and even dancing thanks to tremendous advancements in ultrasound technology.” You have to love life on display like that!
Love Life: “For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. It teaches us to say ‘No’ to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled lives in this present age.” – Titus 2:11-12. Life is granted by the grace of God. How that is honored has everything to do with choices made on the journey. Saying “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions is the discernment expected of a Christian. Living a self-controlled life in this present age is the discipline expected of a man of God. As men, husbands and fathers love life and embrace the grace of God to the full, there will be no need for NARAL or Planned Parenthood.
Life is all about choice as designed by God. Thus it could be said that all Christians are pro-choice. The only difference between today’s pro-life advocates and the pro-choice advocates is the choice being advocated. Choices made while living a self-controlled life with the discipline expected of a man of God will never involve a child in the womb.
Prayer guide: Lord, thank You for the blessing of life, marriage and children. I confess I have too often succumbed to worldly desires with discernment not fitting of a Christian. Thank You for the grace granted that forgives sin and lifts me up in the power of the resurrected Christ to turn from ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live a self-controlled life under the influence of the Holy Spirit. Thank You Jesus. By Your grace, I love life more every day. Amen.
A faithful father loves life and embraces the grace of God to the full.