KISS is an acronym for ‘Keep It Simple Sam’. What a great reminder that is as things tend to get complicated too often. Even my effort to search for one of my favorite country songs got complicated recently. Looking for “This Kiss” I ended up with another song, “Kiss This” which has a different theme all together.
Eighteen months into their marriage, life got complicated for the young couple. Their first child was on his way two years ahead of “schedule”. They both had careers and were making good money, yet they were facing financial challenges. Between two car notes, the mortgage, insurance, taxes and other living expenses they too often hit the end of the money before the end of the month. The plan had been to get things paid down before they started a family. Now they found themselves asking how everything got complicated so quickly.
Keep it Simple: “The seed falling among the thorns refers to someone who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the word, making it unfruitful.” – Matthew 13:22. The Word is simple - Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength; Honor your father and mother; and love your neighbor as yourself. The Word gets complicated in this world of easy credit. The tendency is to love a lot of stuff with all your heart, mind, soul and strength; honor your selfish desires for more stuff; and covet your neighbor’s stuff. The worries of this life have moved from having what is needed to getting all that is wanted. The deceitfulness of wealth, or credit, has intoxicated a generation on stuff. Enough with all the stuff!
A year into their marriage the young couple began looking at houses. They were counseled to limit the size of their monthly mortgage payment to one-third of the net pay from one salary but were drawn to a house beyond that threshold. When the bank extended credit based on their combined salaries it proved too enticing. They turned from earlier counsel and moved forward with the house they wanted. After all, they each expected raises soon. Today, the raises have not happened and a baby is on the way. They now realize how wants and the availability of credit have influenced many of their decisions. They have started praying together to discern between needs and wants for their family and are working to purge the rest. The financial stress has not gone away but it has decreased as they have increased praying through their decisions together.
Prayer guide: Lord, I like stuff. We could not afford much when I was a kid so I really like being able to get stuff I want today. I confess the pride associated with that. I have allowed life to get complicated with the cycle of getting more stuff to feel more accomplished. Forgive me Lord. I repent and commit to prayerfully discern with my bride our needs from our wants, to keep life simple under Your word. Thank You Jesus for the needs You have met that I too often take for granted. I love You Lord. Amen.
A faithful father keeps life simple under the influence of the Word of God.