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Dad Talk
Wednesday, August 19 2015

Jesus was given a work to do, a will to obey and a woman to love. His work was to reconnect man with the Father by putting death to sin, healing the disconnect created by Adam in the relationship God desired with man. Jesus’ will to obey was to testify to Truth beyond what the world could comprehend, obeying His Father’s will all the way to the point of death on the cross. His woman to love was the Church, established through a loving relationship with His disciples first as slaves, then friends and finally brothers.

Ron had a work to do, to provide for his family. After a period of immersion in his job and career a men’s movement, called Promise Keepers challenged him to evaluate his work on a broader scope that included being the husband and father God called him to be. He reconnected in relationships he had taken for granted with the Father, in marriage and family. Ron began spending time daily in scripture and prayer, praying with his wife and children and leading the way to church regularly. The Truth challenged him to turn from some old habits and obey God’s word to a new level every day. Maturing in relationship with Christ challenged Ron to love as He loves, unconditionally. He was busted, realizing he had even put conditions on his love for his children! The first step was to mature in relationship with Jesus in a way that would allow the Holy Spirit to flow through when he struggled with being selfless and sacrificial. His “right priorities” mantra was to, “Grow in a personal, passionate relationship with Jesus the Christ, learn to live that relationship in marriage and reflect it in family.” Ron gets Jesus.

Get Jesus: “I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” – John 14:6. Way - Jesus opened the door to His Father by putting death to sin on the cross; Truth - He was the Word become flesh (Jn.1:14) fulfilling prophecy through His birth, sinless life, suffering, death, resurrection and ascension; Life – His selfless, sacrificial love established a relationship with the Church beyond this world, introducing an eternal perspective on life. The analogies throughout scripture between Christ & the Church with husband & wife suggest that the relationship in marriage is the closest thing we will experience in the flesh to our relationship with Jesus. Marriage, by His grace, is an opportunity to embrace Life to the full, reflect Truth in relationship out of this world and walk by example in His Way.

Prayer guide: Lord, thank You for Your Son. I confess the sins of my house and my father’s house as man today resembles the 1st Adam more than the second, Jesus. Man works with a focus on money; he is willing to obey the rules in the workplace and culture but compromises Your word; and with over half the kids born to women under 25 being born out of wedlock, men are failing to love women as You command us to. Forgive us. Equip me to walk in the Way, the Truth and the Life. Help me get Jesus - to work as He worked, obey as He obeyed and love as He loved. Amen.

A faithful father gets Jesus by doing the work, obeying the Word and loving his wife.

Posted by: Wertz AT 05:45 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email

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