One was prepared for the moment. One was not. One player was ready to make the play. The other was not. While it was all somewhat lost in the hullaballoo around what call was made at the 1-yard line in the waning seconds of Super Bowl XLIX, Michael Butler stepped up and made the play of the game. Michael had studied the tapes so when he saw the offensive alignment, he knew what was coming. Then the defensive back went on the offensive and beat the receiver to his spot - A job well done.
Dad did not like the internet sites his son had been visiting. Another dad had alerted him to the issues so he made the call to implement some controls. Now he needed to make the play. He took an inventory of what was coming into his home. There were a couple of what could be considered soft-porn magazine subscriptions and his wife & daughter had routine mailings from Victoria’s Secret. The home computers had some filters set up but he had not thought about the phones. And he had to come clean with the fact that he had visited some inappropriate sites on his computer. The play he made was to purge the exposure points identified in the home and establish a “covenant eyes” accountability partnership with his son – both could review the other’s internet activity on the computer or smart phone. This led to a new level of dialogue and relationship between them.
I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found none. – Ezekiel 22:30. Eighteen years ago I was among an estimated 1.2 million men on the Mall in Washington DC soaking in all the Lord was saying through leaders like Coach Bill McCartney, Tony Evans and many others associated with Promise Keepers at the time. The charge was to make the play, to Stand in the Gap as the men, husbands and fathers the Father expects us to be and that the next generation needs. Under the influence of the Holy Spirit and in the power of the resurrected Christ, men can go on the offensive against the devil’s schemes and make the play that rebukes the evil influence focused on family today. And He will say, “Well done good and faithful servant.”
Tips to Make the Play:
- Stay alert to exposure areas – meet with youth directors, teachers, talk with Mom;
- Nurture your personal, passionate relationship with Christ and live it in marriage;
- Be intentional to build a maturing relationship with your child as he or she matures;
- Establish practical controls and mutual accountability that rebuke the devil’s schemes against you and family.
Prayer guide: Lord, I confess that I want control. I seek tools, software programs and schools that will help isolate my children from the dangers in this world. Then You convict me of who and what I put my trust in. Thank You for the reminder that making the play, standing in the gap for my family has more to do with my relationship with You and how I walk in that relationship where You have me. Grant me discernment to establish practical controls in my life and for my family. Give me strength to go on the offensive and make the play when necessary. Amen.
A faithful father makes the play under the influence of the Holy Spirit and in the power of the resurrected Christ.