“What a call!” was the call made by virtually every sportscaster, sportswriter and armchair quarterback over the last several days, with a tone of derision pointed toward the coach and offensive coordinator of the Seattle Seahawks. We in Houston know that Bum Phillips sure would not have made that call! With a game on the line, the difference between victory and defeat can be one gutsy call. When it works, it’s the thrill of victory. When it doesn’t, well we get the last several days.
His son wanted to change schools. The young man was on a full academic scholarship and played baseball at a large university. He was three years into his studies and on track to graduate in four. On the athletic side, he was red-shirted one year and had two more years of eligibility. An opportunity opened up at another school where he would have a shot at a starting position and he wanted to make the move. The new school did not offer the degree he was working toward so Dad’s call was to hang up the cleats and wrap up the education that was free. After much prayer and consultation with his son, the dad realized that it was not his call to make. The young man made a gutsy call and gave his dad a lesson in Who to trust.
Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law My servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. – Joshua 1:7. Forty years earlier, Joshua and Caleb made a gutsy call to follow God’s will and take Canaan, the land of milk and honey. But ten other guys in the ancient media made so much noise that the call was rebuked and the people rebelled (Numbers 13-14). Now God is reminding Joshua to keep his eyes focused on Him. As he does, what may look like a gutsy or even an impractical call from a worldly perspective will in fact be grounded in a faith and trust few comprehend. And whatever the results, Joshua would always keep his eyes focused on God. God does not care about football. But He does care about what we base our calls in life on – our calls in family, business and church must be grounded in the faith and trust Joshua exemplified. Then we can leave the results to Him with no second-guessing.
Tips to Make the Right Call:
- Do due diligence on the matter, pray, listen to His voice and obey (Jn.14:23);
- Seek His perspective, beyond the emotions of the here and now;
- Make the call with faith and trust that is grounded in relationship with Christ;
- Leave the results to Him.
Prayer guide: Lord, too often I have made calls without turning my eyes to You. Thank You for the valleys, the failures You have taken me through in order to turn my eyes back to You. The stress, worry and second-guessing are rebuked as I ground my calls in life in a faith and trust that few comprehend, that Joshua exemplified and Jesus lived. Grant me strength to keep my eyes focused on You through the noise of this world. Amen.
A faithful father makes the right calls by His grace and for His glory.