Being angry at the right person about the right thing at the right time in the right way and having the right effect is not an easy thing to do. Jesus did it well in the temple but I have yet to be able to do it well in my anger. Recently I was blessed to attend a Christ Transformation Prayer (CTP) session conducted by Pastor Seumean Kuon of TOUCH Family Church. In the session, Seumean addressed anger as the devil’s central scheme to keep man in sin and under the influence of his lies.
In your anger do not sin. Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold. – Ephesians 4:26-27. Being angry is not necessarily sinful. Jesus was angry with money changers doing business in His Father’s house and He certainly did not sin in His anger. The warning from Paul to the Ephesians is that when the line to anger is crossed, self-discipline has been compromised to some degree and it is a slippery slope to sin.
Tips for Letting Go of Anger:
- Be sensitive to frustrations getting stirred up, pushing you to anger.
- Resolve anger incidents promptly – “I was wrong. I am sorry. Will you forgive me?” is an excellent way to start.
- If it cannot be resolved, go to prayer to let go of the resentment, frustration, hurt, or whatever triggered the anger. Release it to God.
- Pray with your wife & kids to keep anger out of your home.
- Do not give the devil a foothold. Close the door on whatever triggers anger. (Visit TOUCHFamily.com for more info on CTP.)
A faithful father stays under the influence of the Holy Spirit to release anger and turn from sin.
What other tips do you have for letting go of anger?