Are you free? We are a nation founded on certain freedoms called the Bill of Rights, the first 10 Amendments to our United States Constitution. The first amendment addresses the freedom of religion and of speech. These are tied together because we typically speak as we believe. Today, societal pressure on politically correct speech is inhibiting this basic freedom and in doing so, it also inhibits the freedom of religion – reference the push back of recent statements by Truett Cathy, founder of Chick-fil-A and Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty. Society is embracing a secular religion that espouses freedom until it butts up against a Christian worldview.
“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” – Galatians 5:1. Religious leaders in Christ’s day had taken a beautiful example for relationship, the Law, and turned it into hundreds of rules and stipulations to effectively enslave the people. The Law was not meant to burden the people with rules but to lead them into a relationship with the one true God. Similarly, the Constitution of these United States was not written to burden us with far reaching laws and regulations but to define the relationship between the people and their government. “We the people” are to stand firm in the freedom that Christ grants us and that our founding fathers reiterated in the First Amendment for the sake of the next generation.
Tips for being free:
- Embrace Jesus the Christ fully as Savior and learn to serve Him as Lord.
- Spend time in prayer, scripture and worship every day.
- Read and study the Bible to mature in the relationship He calls you to.
- Reflect that relationship wherever He has you.
- Walk in Truth with grace in love better today than yesterday.
A faithful father stands firm in the freedom that is a personal, passionate and growing relationship with Jesus the Christ.