What does it mean to be bold in today’s world? Years ago, Don Meredith, a gifted sports announcer and retired Dallas Cowboys quarterback used to make the comment, “It ain’t braggin’ if you can do it.” One has to be pretty bold to make a statement or a claim that others would take as braggadocious.
Examples include Joe Namath’s claim three days before gametime that the New York Jets would beat the Baltimore Colts in Super Bowl III, or President John F. Kennedy saying the United States would land a man on the moon by the end of the decade in 1962. These were seen as pretty bold statements. But behind each statement was an exemplary leader: Namath leading a football team against the powerhouse of their day; and Kennedy leading a nation through a tumultuous decade.
“Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ.” – Philippians 1:27. In his Truth for Life devotion, ‘The Gospel Displayed’, Alistair Begg writes, “Paul’s phrase ‘let your manner of life’ comes from the Greek verb politeuesthe, which the NIV translates as ‘conduct yourselves.’ The root of this word comes from polis, which means ‘city,’ and gives us other words like police and politics. In a very real sense, Paul is concerned with Christian citizenship and conduct.” A Jewish congressman had a similar concern at a presidential prayer breakfast suggesting that if those in attendance acted more like the Jesus they were praying to, leaders in government would do much better. In his letter to Timothy, Paul adds, Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers. – 1Timothy 4:16. This is a charge to all dads and father-figures to know what your life stands for and what doctrine you are living under. When I hear of a father taking ownership in leading his family through a Bible reading program, I know that dad boldly stands for the Lord in his home and is providing doctrine that will serve his family well. Dads are to boldly lead a manner of life worthy of the gospel of Jesus the Christ.
Being bold is not a braggadocious statement of opinion on every matter that surfaces. Boldness is taking an unpopular stand for what is right in a church dispute, a workplace decision or societal challenge. If some take that as braggadocious, so be it.
Tips to be bold in today’s world include to:
Be under the authority of the word of God, Scripture;
Own the decision or stand taken;
Lead honorably and show love to those who disagree or push back;
Die to self. Point upward and glorify God.
Prayer guide: Father, thank You for being my Father and for the doctrine provided in Your word. I confess that I spent too much of my life living under false doctrines impressed upon me through childhood and young professional years. My focus was on self and success. Forgive me. I want to know You and live under the doctrine of Your word. Grant me strength and discernment as I lead my family through Scripture and discuss its application in today’s world. Provide the clarity needed to understand how to boldly live in this world while not being of the world. Help my “manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ.” That is the dad You call me to be and that’s the dad my kids need to see. Amen.
A faithful father boldly leads a manner of life worthy of the gospel of Christ.