Faithful Fathering is an ‘upstream’ ministry that strives to ensure that the next generation will not need to spend valuable resources trying to fix what should never be broken – relationship with the Father through our earthly father. The solution to many societal woes is through encouraging & equipping dads to be faithful fathers and reinvigorating churches on the fathering front.
Behold, I am going to send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord. He will turn the heart of fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers, so that I will not come and strike the land with a curse. – Malachi 4:5-6. Faithful Fathering is committed to moving forward in the spirit of Elijah.
Since its founding as a mission for dads in 2000, Faithful Fathering has never said no to a church or charged for services. The ministry relies on individual giving for approximately 70% of the operating budget. We have been blessed by the support of folks like you that see the value of a dollar spent ‘upstream’. Faithful Fathering humbly asks for your continued partnership on this mission for fathers and family.
There are three ways to financially support Faithful Fathering:
Send a check to: Faithful Fathering, P.O. Box 1702, Sugar Land, TX 77487-1702;
E-check or credit card via: Faithful Fathering Single Charity Fund with the National Christian Foundation, go online to: For stock, mutual funds or other assets, call Melissa McNier at 832.255.2028
We covet your support spiritually through prayers and physically in helping develop a broader network of connections to engage others that are passionate about encouraging and equipping dads to be faithful fathers. Please contact Rick directly if there is an opportunity to speak at your church or organization.
Prayer guide: Lord, thank You for being our Father, for opening the door to relationship with You through Jesus the Christ. It is only through You that I can learn to love as You love and lead as You lead. Without You I am under water. Help me serve as Your man in upstream partnership with other men and ministries on the battlefront for fathers and family. And let heart-turning begin that will glorify You for generations to come. Amen.
A faithful father invests in the fathering movement individually and through the Church.
A clear, concise and compelling explanation of Faithful Fathering's goals.
Moms and dads can clearly see the purpose and drive behind Faithful Fathering.
Keep up the great work in 2020!