I think just about every parent has lost their child, even if just momentarily at some point. He may have been hiding under a clothes rack as you moved to another section of the store or she just happened to run off to play with kids in a different part of the park while you were talking to a buddy. One of the constants our kids have come to know about me is my whistle. It is loud and distinct, and it has saved us in many a situation. When the kids were ‘lost’ they essentially heard, “Here I am” through my whistle and all would be good with the world again.
I resolve to be a faithful father engaged in raising a godly generation across 2019. Join me by stepping up to the charge and challenging other dads in your circles to do the same.
Thirty years ago, crime was out of control. Then came ‘broken windows’ policing. “If a window in a building is broken and is left unrepaired, all the rest of the windows will soon be broken.” Broken windows are “a signal that no one cares” – an emboldening message for those who would commit serious crimes. Criminologist George L. Kelling along with political scientist James Q. Wilson came up with the idea of “broken windows.”
Thank you for your support of Faithful Fathering this past year. Efforts to engage dads in raising a godly generation are producing fruit with the reinvigoration of churches on the fathering front. FF is at work to energize a core group of dads, a lay-leadership team in churches to start a fathering movement across the city, state and beyond.
Best wishes from my family to yours for a blessed CHRISTmas. Prayers are with you for a great time of family, fun, good food, celebratory gifts and worship of our Lord.
Click HERE to view a short video ‘Tip for Dads’ on sharing the Christmas story with family.
Why is losing weight the number one resolution every New Year? Surveys show that the average weight gain over the holidays is about five pounds so it makes sense folks would want to lose that added weight. But several studies show in fact that the average weight gain is just one pound. The issue is evidently not as much physical as it may be emotional or spiritual.
It is a simple thing – He writes season’s greetings as Merry CHRISTmas. In a subtle way folks receive a nudge to keep Christ in Christmas. Advent is a nudge to all of the reason for the season, of Christ’s coming – past, present and future. It is a celebration of the Christ child’s birth and the expectation of His second coming. In the present, Christians celebrate the coming of Jesus the Christ individually through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
In the 1930’s, William Beebe and Otis Barton teamed up for the design, testing and maiden voyage of the Bathysphere, a unique spherical deep-sea submersible vessel that had to withstand pressure 3000 feet below the surface of the ocean. It was a precursor for submersibles like the Bathyscaphe that ventured to depths of 30,000 feet in the Marianas Trench. At that depth, the vessel had to withstand 1.2 metric tons per square centimeter – that is like 1600+ elephants standing on the roof of a small car. If there is not an equal opposing pressure from the inside, the car collapses.
Homes today are under immense pressure. The elephants show up in ...read on
It is so easy to take blessings for granted – Good health, marriage, family, the freedoms we enjoy as Americans and the freedom we have in Jesus the Christ. With the 24/7 news cycle, hyperbole is the norm coming at us across all media platforms. Keeping a healthy perspective requires discipline to navigate through the noise and embrace the blessings of life, to be thankful.
It was like a punch in the gut. His wife shared that their daughter saw him as unapproachable sometimes - She had expressed a feeling of intimidation through his voice and demeanor. The little girl Dad cherished so much was not even comfortable in talking with him. He anticipated the father-daughter relationship might get strained during the teenage years but not to this degree.
The blessing was that she voiced her fear to her mother. Often times the home environment is not conducive to such honest expression with either parent and such feelings can go unresolved for years. In this case, Dad had ...read on