What does bold love bring to mind for you? I think of moms. Loving a newborn, feeding and nurturing a child while working through all the stages of exhaustion is not for the faint of heart. And that is just the start of a life-long journey of a mother’s love for her child. Moms boldly love their kids through the peaks and valleys of life.
Who comes to mind as an historically bold leader on the world stage? Certainly, President Abraham Lincoln boldly led our nation through the civil war. General George S. Patton boldly led his troops across France, deep into Nazi Germany and on to victory in World War II.
At the onset of WWII, President Franklin D. Roosevelt tapped ...read on
Bold is synonymous with brave, daring and courageous. These are characteristics every dad should exemplify and every child wishes to be affirmed in. The challenge for dads today who want to be more intentional with their example of standing strong, being brave and courageous is that tolerance and passivity seem to be the social norms.
Often courage and bravery are associated with ...read on
It was a rare snowfall in the Houston area this week. The city shut down because we do not have the sand, salt and associated equipment to deal with it. The good news is that I got to watch dads and kids in the neighborhood build snowmen and have snowball fights. I even saw a pickup towing a young man on a snowboard! ATTADAD!
Boldness to do what was needed along with a great sense of patriotism were what drove fighting age men to enlist in the military after the attack on Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941. As FDR stated, “a date that will live in infamy.” And many fighting age men boldly stepped up to enlist after another attack on United States’ soil, September 11, 2001.
What does it mean to be bold in today’s world? Years ago, Don Meredith, a gifted sports announcer and retired Dallas Cowboys quarterback used to make the comment, “It ain’t braggin’ if you can do it.” One has to be pretty bold to make a statement or a claim that others would take as braggadocious.
How was your 2024? I think it healthy to spend time reflecting on the high points of the past year, what I call “glimpses of God’s glory.” The arrival of a granddaughter was certainly a high point for us. Time with our grown kids helping on Faithful Fathering’s summer adventures, and time with family were also wonderful high points.
At Faithful Fathering, the high points are usually tied to ...read on
Merry CHRISTmas from my family to yours. As we celebrate the greatest gift of all-time, I praise the Lord for the gift of you and your partnership in the ministry of Faithful Fathering. May the Lord bless you and keep you through the new year.
What is your perspective on peace? Per Webster’s dictionary, it is defined as “freedom from disturbance; tranquility.” I guess you could have ear buds in, or noise-cancelling headphones on, and be oblivious to the world around you. The experience would be undisturbed and tranquil, even peaceful, for a little while.
In this final week of Advent, the candle lit reflects ...read on
Joy to the World may be easy to sing but joy in this world can be elusive with all the end-of-year busy-ness? What does it even mean to be joyful? One example is King David’s celebration when the ark of God was brought to the City of David. In 2Samuel 6:14, it says, “Wearing a linen ephod, David was dancing before the Lord with all his might.” King David put all the busy-ness of being king in its proper perspective, and reflected the joy of getting the ark of God back to its rightful place.