A group of guys were talking about the need to get in shape physically. All were past the age of forty and realized it was not going to get any easier as they approached fifty. When it came time to commit to the program agreed upon, one guy balked and said, “I am in shape - Round is a shape. I’m good.”
Are you “good”? Or, are you intentional about getting in shape? “Are you prepared ...read on
An annual tribute to my mother and encouragement to you:
She was an incredible woman. Born in 1921, she aspired to be a vocal performer. As a senior in high school, she contracted tuberculosis. Her dream to perform was no longer possible and the vocal scholarship to attend college was rescinded. She married a handsome Navy pilot just before he was deployed to the South Pacific Theater in WWII. He returned quite a different man than the one she married. Post-Traumatic Stress played a major role in the alcoholism and other challenges the marriage and family would face over the ensuing years. Ma endured ...read on
The talk has started around the process of ‘re-opening’ the country. A proposed ‘Phase 1, 2 and 3’ has been passed on to the states for their consideration to help get the wheels back under the economy. In turn, cities and counties are assessing risks at the local level and beginning to ease some of the ‘lockdown’ guidelines. What is next?
I do not envy the leaders making decisions based on ever-changing models. In contrast, dads and moms have very solid models to reference: ...read on
How are you doing? Whether able to work from home, still drawing a paycheck, or not able to work due to the shutdown of your industry, the challenge is to see the glass as half-full. One friend said, “The glass is gone!” That is the reality for some. And it is in the reality of life that God shows up.
Do you remember way back, about four or five weeks ago, when spring sports were about to start up, college basketball’s March Madness was in the air and professional baseball’s opening day was around the corner? The kids were in school and the calendar was chock-full of extra-curricular activities. No more!
In a time such as this, what deserves our focus? One dad said ...read on
Do you remember welcoming in the New Year with all the celebration and elevated expectations for business, ministry and family that went with the countdown to 2020? It seems that was over a year ago already! The year is particularly significant in the life of Faithful Fathering as it is our 20th year of ministry. Expectations were high.
Then, early in the new year, we started hearing about
Social distancing and self-isolation are terms very few had heard of just a few weeks ago. Now they are daily headlines. The encouragement early-on was to practice good hygiene and keep your distance from someone that is sick. That quickly moved to a directive for social distancing – to maintain at least a six-foot distance from other folks. Now, many parts of the country and the world are under mandatory lock-down, self-isolation in a concerted effort to inhibit the contagion.
In the sixth century BC, the contagion was ...read on
Have you had enough reminders to wash your hands? There are even videos to remind us how to wash up just in case you have forgotten your mother’s instructions. Evidently, we are to wet our hands and use soap, scrub the full surface of both hands for a minimum of 20 seconds and rinse with as hot a water as the hands will stand. And, dry the hands thoroughly. Repeat if you touch anything.
As most of you know, I am a recovering engineer and do have an issue with acronyms. BUSY stands for Being Under Satan’s Yoke. REST stands for Really Embracing Scriptural Truth. WASH stands for ...read on
One of the most popular talks I give is my personal journey from BUSY-ness to Faithfulness. BUSY stands for Being Under Satan’s Yoke. We are a busy people! It is not just long hours at the office or business travel, it is the numerous activities the kids are involved in, church projects and March Madness gatherings. Dad and Mom go different directions more often than not. But now all of that has stopped.
BUSY-ness is an addiction to ‘doing’ – personal worth, status and even sense of self are tied to all we do and what our kids are involved in. Today each of us have an opportunity to REST. REST stands for ...read on
There is good news – No children under 10 have succumbed to coronavirus, COVID 19, and those in the age bracket of 10 – 50, the death rate is less than a .04%. The rate increases to 1.3% for those in their 50’s, to 3.8% for those in their 60’s, and increases more, as you would expect it to, across the upper age brackets. Unlike previous pandemics, this one is leaving the children and younger generations relatively unscathed.