Tips to Be There emotionally for your kids include:
- Getting interested in their interests
- Having dinner together as a family five times a week
- Scheduling one-on-one time – a dad/daughter or father/son adventure
(click Being There for opportunities in December 2013)
“If you love Me, you will obey what I command. And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Counselor to be with you forever – the Spirit of Truth.” – John 14:15-17. Jesus anticipated emotional distractions long before 150 cable channels, i-phones, texting, radio and newspapers, not to mention other worries, frustrations and discouragement. Work to eliminate distractions, at least at the dinner table, and focus on being there emotionally in family.
As you make the effort to be engaged emotionally with your kids, you will be a hero in their eyes.
Using the comment section, tell us what you have done or will do to be engaged emotionally with your children.